Dear Bestest Aunty Julie,
So I did meet the Cleanerlady Dawn! It woz her at der door! She woz sooper nice, admired me proper and did so much fussingsess of me and Milly that her hands nearly did falled off of her legs! She also dun a bit of wipin stuff an arranging our sofas an stuff to be the best comfortableness. She also got der sucky monster machine out of a cave and sucked der house a lot wivit. But as yoo nowws I am sooper braves wiv dem. Milly said that Caleb who used to lib here always fort the sucky monster wood suck him fur insideouty off of him! Haha.
We did free sooper walkses today to der park and to do explorering round da hood. I founded noo place up der woad wiv der Bestest niffyest niffyniffs evers! Woz called der “Gym”. Oh. My. Dog. It woz sooper! I went it der door to do more niffing of der niffs! HuMum did spoil it all by tellin me “come out” but lots of peeples in der weception were lookin at me wiv great supriz and admerayshon, presimbly of me beauts furs. Amazing.
Den we explorered sum more and went back to Forever Home. Well, I dids try go back via der pub and der nummy nummy over Road bakery but only gots me Head in der door of both of those playsis. Neber minds. Bakery Lady Ellie duz lubb me and bin doin me much fusses and her dog is lurcheryalsayshunfing “Harley” wot lubbs der balls and Frisbee so he and family now me fwends. Hopeflee mite get sum cakes fwom Bakery Lady Ellie one time so will keep poppin in me snoot round door.
In uvver noos… Anuvvver visitor did come who called Sainsburysman Man. He did bring HuDad ALL THE FOODS EBER!! Oh my gosh! Der woz roastybeef, sausageyeggs, cheesy disk, baycon, snossidges and bikiwikkis! Beein ov good breedin an manners I offered me assistans to HuDad wivs der carrying of der yummies wiv me chops. He declined. RUDE!
HuMum did have ordassisdy to go out wiv her fwend for der evenin meanin I woz down to only one strokeyservant for hours. And. Hours. ALSO RUDE!
I decidid I likes sleepin on sofa in der nighttime an so have bin alertin HuMum to der fact dat she has (clearly aksidentallike) closed der sofa room doorflap at bedtime. I did clatteryblattery claws an winjin an all. Parrently dat not cool at der midnightyclock. At half six o’clock I tried my clatteryblattery again and at 7 o’clock after a piddle in der garden I did do almighty stairs leaps and gets in the big bed of HuMum and HuDad which woz luffly so I fink I shall sleeps der fwom nows on. HuMum said she would “actually like to sleep in her own bed” so clearly still some expectayshun management for mes to do wivs her. HuMum say she do get me own “daybed” so I fink she can sleep in dat.
Luffs and leans,
Dylan xx