Dear Bestest Auntie Julie,
So last evenin anuvver vewy heggsightin fing did happen… A fish pie tin! Was de-nosh-ous and HuMum and HuDad sooper pwoud bout me sharin so nice wib me new girlyfwend. Did myself a big proud.
This mornin I did have wot I believe HuMum duz wefer to as a “lying in” and den did me sooper stairs leapsies an did unuvver “lying in” in the big bed. Did me sum yogas on HuDad wiv me poky pawsies which I fink he did lubb! Da Humans seem to have der particyoolars bout der heady-tail-wards of the bed lyin in the big bed an keeps sayin “turn round” wen I is standin on der bed wiv my back legsies on HuDad and me front legsies on HuMum. Dunno wot that is all bout. Anyhow, disuvvered (no fanks to dose cwyptik comments) dat is most comfortablelike lyin in der middle of der big bed wiv me head on the sooper fluffer cloud at der top. Wesult! Sooper comfort an nearly enuff room still for dem.
Diss morning did avoid der shrinkies again in der damp park wiv small two-legses and HuMum and me girlyfwend. Der small 2-legses did be doin a big heggsite wotchin the big noisy long car makin howwid noises along the metal Road an kept saying fings like “Look Dylan a cross country train!” witch I tried hard to be animayted by, as yoo do wiv pups. Nuckily woz good niffs near the wotchin spot. Did meet lots of uvver dogs of bigs and smalls. Was VERY good boy and altho was the wet drips, pleased to confurm zewo shrinkin of me beauts fur.
After brekkie der small 2-legses had anuvver small 2-legs round for playins an I got sum fusses. Dey did mostly play wiv der evil paw-spike blocks of many colours. Did me a snoozle mostlee.
Aftynoon, did supervize der makin of “sorry you can’t have chocolate” cayke an cassewole of cow. Got mes sum casserole of cow for me tea after going walks wiv smol wippit fwend Eddie and big small 2-legs an his whirly peddler. I luffed the whirly peddler and did do me an HuMum sum joggings behind it!
Can report zewo sofaslippies this eve so far an be settlin in now for der evenin cuddles. HuMum says to say yoo should have sed bout me likin white wine! Did me a sneaky lappin of sum little sip an was most yummy untiwl HuMum did wealise all howwified like. Oops.
Wags and luffs,
PS did yous no I luffs strawbewwies!!?