Dear Bestest Aunty Julie,
All is sooper good heer yoos will be glad to knows. Yestyday me an Milly went owt for anuvver park explorey wiv der Nice Dog Walker Lady an had luffly tym. Next week shall bees goin owt wiv all uvver dogs toos as I pwomised to be sooper good boy. Heggsiytink!!
In der evenin anuvver Aunty came to admire myself and der Uncle aswell. First tym they has bin to Forever Home whens I there. They were good at the fussingsess an did lubb me lots. I did show dem best ball skillz an chip eatin skillz. Dun myself a massiv pwoud.
HuMum an HuDad seems quyte the insistyens that I is not bee sleepin in der big bed in der nightytime becos “not rooms.” I quyt put out ober dis. Hab bin doin der nightytime nose squeeeeeeeeeeeks of hupsetness an der clatteryblatterys an askin verr nice to get in big bed at sooper wegular intivils all de nite. HuMum and HuDad lookin bit tyerd but shor dey will get youst to me schedjul bein as hab only bin one week for dem to be learnin. All fings considererered dey is doin very wells.
I bin showin Milly all me trainin aswell! She is defmerly a fishstick short of der picnic howebers she do look lyk she tryin hard to do der finkin. Her earsies be nearlee be doin a smokin! BOL!
I be organisin me soshul calendra aswell an be goin beggin on Sunday wiv HuMum to Fowevver Houndies Twust Collecshun. I be booked de playgroop aswell witch sounds sooper funs.
Luff and leans and wags,
Dylan x
PS – Der’s more houndies like me needin a Fowevver Home. Find dem here: /our-dogs/