Dear Bestest Auntie Julie,
Happfull New Year to yoos! Hopin you and der famlee be well?
I hab come to der conklooshun dat Holly (me preevyussly menshunned noo gest) be havin this as her Forever Home as well! Dis is super noos is it not!? She be gettin well yoosed to all mowst himportant howsehold rools such as hoo sleep on wot end of der sofa, wot food bowl is mine, setera setera. She eben don’t rilly need an alarmclocky anee mor as I fink she been learnin finally dat she not be nice disturbin me byooty sleeps before sevinoclocks.
Also, in uvver heggsitement, I dids get me a parsell fwom nice Mr Postman man! At first I be a bit dissapointlike as woz not fudds. But is akshully a sooper noo “gadjit” as I beleefs yoo HuMum’s wuld say, called “Furbo.” HuMum plugged its tail into der wall an it just sit there in the kitchen lyk sum kind of susspishuss mite-make-loud-ouchy-ears-noises coffee grinder or summat. Much confyoozlement. Layter in der day Holly and me was MOST surprised to heer it SPEAK! Had stolen HuMum voice noises! “Treats!” it did say. Well my earsies did an absolloot confyoosull-semaphore. Holly did do massive squeaky-clattery-dancin….. And den…. It did chucks a load of treats into der flor!! Eggsellent…. But puzzlin for a gentelhound lyk me hoo not be akkustomend to eatin off of der floor. Holly has not the saym personal standards… Not shor I happroov but der we go, she be a funny wun. So all in all sooper eggsitin noo toy gadjit!
I fink smol two leggs and smol smol two leggs be liking Furbo too. Dey hab too suggestgeeons dey sed:
For meself, do catchin of der treats befor dey fall onto der floor (dey know me sooper affletic talents of cors!)
For demselffs: replais treats wiv “skittles” wotever dey mite be. I did heer HuMum say dis be bad plan, so I finking opshun 1 is der best…..
Off the pwactiss me treat catchin skillzs now wiv me noo gadjit fwend!!!
As olwayz, much lubbs to yoo, wags an leans.
PS Holly send a nose boop and sum snuggles to yoos as well.