Dear Bestest Aunty Julie,
I be so sowwy for not riting you for ageses… has been such a busy boy!
At der weekend we did go on der most heggsiytink fing… furst hollyday wiv Forever Famliy! Did get in houndmobile an go off in the dark wiv HuMum, HuDad an the smol two-legses an me girlyfwend. Well, fort i, bit of a strange tyme for walkies but I never complains bout extra exkurshuns. Well we be drivings for agis an agis. Ebery now an then I checked out der lookyviewer but still all look same…. Dark, cars, streetlights. Did me a snoozle. Still going along. Fort HuMum must hab got well lost on way to Park! Doin a bit of a concern in the back of the Houndmobile now. Me girlyfwend say don’t wurry we is goin on littel hollyday. Well I wosnt shor kwite wot that meaned but feeled too silly to ask.
Well, hevenshully der houndmobile stop. HuDad open the boot. We were on a different Road to Forever Home Road an there woz bits of grass near the pavement wiv the most interestingly smellin niffs. Den I hurd too HuPeeples I loves! Woz HuGramdad and HuGrandma…. How heggsitin!!!!!!! Woz so chuffed I nearlee helichoppered me tail off! Dey sed come in come in and we went in an dis plais woz their akchul own howse! Is a nice howse…. Four sofas to choose fwom! Did explorin of the gardin…. Bigger than Forever Home Garden an more niffs. Much talkin woz dun, smol two leggses put up for the sleepies an much fussingsess for us hounds. Smol smol two-legses woz sad at sleepytime. I coodent unnerstand kwite why but he seem wont mor fussingsess and cuddells.
Well den HuMum an HuDad went to sleepsies too an HuMum say to me to do sleepin on sofa wib Milly-Moo. I woz feelin a littel wurried so I did pop up to check HuGrandma an HuGramdad woz still there. HuGramdad be wearin his temptin pajamas again but I remember he is not sooper fan of pajama licks. Dids discuvver two leggses had uppydowny bed like at Forever Home. Smol two legs on the bottom bed. HuMum an HuDad woz up sum sooper big stairsies. I fort I wood pop up to say I woz alwight but stairsies were soooooper steep an I did loose me mowmemtum just short of the top. Woz hangin on for grim deff wiv me clawsies… could not go up or down. Awful! HuMum save me and grab me bum and HuDad did lift me to top. Fank goodness! After all dat I woz wurried bout dem tryin these twicky stairs on their own so I sleeped in their room to mayk shor dey ok and reasshord them wiv me noseskweeks an snuffuluffaguss nose Visits throo-owt der nite. I can report that the stairsies were much easier on the way down, an me leggies and furrs remain unharmed.
Next ebenin I fort of a sooper clever plan. I woz not chancing those defflee stairs agin! After all peeples dun gone for sleepsies I did sneak up the furst stairsies (the nice cooperative stairsies!) soooooper kwiyert. I be sooper prowd of me luffly idea…. Smol smol two-legses bed I fink woz too big an he be lonelies, and I didn’t fancee anuvver try at der defflee stairsies. Aha fort my sooper houndie brayn…. I hav tje perfik soloooshun!
Well in der mornin HuMum an HuDad woz most perplexed wen no snuffuluffaguss appear in their bed at sun-up tym. An eben mor perplex wen dey went down to see if us houndies woz ok, cos only Milly-Moo woz on der sofa. Smol smol two-legses woz cozy an I did try not steeel too much of his snuggel blanky duvet. HuGramdad did do a big laff wen he popped in the smol two-legses bedroom on gettyuptym!
Hanyway, woz a sooper weekend. Lots of nys walkies and ebberyfin. Did show off all me ball catchin skillz for HuGramdad. Noshed sum roastypig. Did explorin of the woods an met anuvvver HuGrannie and HuGranpa who have four sofas and lamb tagine in their howse. Der only bad fing woz dat me girlyfwend got a massive bit of glass in her paw but HuMum did get it owt wiv scalpel an consentrayshun an peenutbutteronaplate trick. She is akshully kwite yoosful really.
I must just also add dat I hab been having sooper fun on me walkies an makin loadsa noo fwends. Also did meet a noo fwend of Milly-Moos called Coral. She be a labradoodle pupparoo! She is sooper funny an like playins chase wiv me.
Righto… time for pre-nap snoozle. Sendin wags, luffs an leans, Dylan xx