Dear Bestest Auntie Julie,
I hab the Bestest noos! Tooday we went on a road trip in the hound mobile for a verry long ways. What is goin on Fort I, secretly howpin we may be off to Bestest Auntie Julie Hotel again. Well, houndmobile stopped (after a rather heggsitin root-findin by HuMum witch involve drivin through a fludd) an I culd heer fellow non-houndie canines doin wuffins. Wen I got out of me travel chamber did set me eyes on a pointy white and black houndie. She woz very chill, liked der 2-legses, treats an stuff. We exchanged plezantries as yoo do. Den went walkies to see goats and quackers. Wot a super day owt fort I! Much chattin fwom the big 2-legses, more walkies, so it goes on. Hevechully, gets back in me Houndmobile and to me surpryz this lady houndie deside to try out me travel chamber. Woz not a great deal of room but I tryd to be haccomodaytin. Nise to hab a sit down annyhow.
Well yous can imagin me bamboozlement wen the car door is shutted an off we goes home. Popped me hed up to alert HuMum to the stowaway to zero avail as she too busy chattin away about wot naym to chooz for sumwun. Me new fwend also most confyoozled so we bowf desided to have a snooze.
Wen we getted back to Hound Towers I hexpected HuMum to be slitely shocked dat two houndies be in the travelling chamber. But hole of Forever Family akshully seemed verry hexcited! So it wuld appeer dat we hab a new (slitelee confyoozled) gest. Be nise to hab sum company but she better not eat me kibbles. I shall weport back soonest.
Wags, lubbs and leans,