Dear Bestest Aunty Julie,
I am riting followin me post-brekkie pre-nap snoozle. I hav eben mor heggsiytink noos! Last nite HuMum an Milly-Moo and me went in der houndmobile to a plais HuMum corl “Highcroft Vetineggy Group”. Dere woz much hantissipashun fwom us hounds for diss trip! I luffs eggs!
Wen we got to the plais we did do a mega jump each owt of der houndmobile an did immediate be onslorted by the most amazin smellorama of pee-mails! So many uvver dogs hab visited pweviuss it woz sooper intwesting. We went through the doors an woz rapturously gweeted wiv many many fussingsess by der UniformLadies behind der desk. Woz like bein celeb!! Nice comfy sofa too for me.
Dere woz a big platform for us called “scales” an HuMum did say get on scales an I did get on an get sooper treat from UniformLadies who say “33.8”! Milly-Moo bless her did a bit of a confyoosel but hevenshully she understanded. I finkt diss a sooper noo game. Did get strayt back on scales for mor treat. Did get nuvver treat! Amazin. UniformLadies say “Still 33.8!” Got back on scales an fort I just stay dere for de treats now, much eeseeyer. Well, after about 10mins of de game HuMum and UniformLadies were doin a lot of laffing but I woz rooodly removed fwom de scales much to my annoyans. Den we went in smol room wiv UniformMan. Ah, I fort, diss must be where dey keeps the eggs! Sooperconfusel meself as no eggs. Mor treats but not eggs. UniformMan look at Milly-Moo leg an I reashore her is ok. He nice. Den we go back out. Well I did look evevywhere for dese eggs! Nun behind UniformLadies desk, nun in bin, nun in toylet, nun on shelves, nun in UniformLadies handbag, nun in UniformLadies cupboard. Back in car. No eggs. Most strange.
Can’t wait to go back anuvver time. Did not do a behind sofa search for der eggs so will remember for next time.
Right must go, nap time.
Wags and luffs,
Dylan xx
PS: Me poor ol fwend sooper teddie is still needin is own HuMum and HuDad. Der must be somewhere!