Dear Bestest Auntie Julie,
Sum sooper sad news… Me gurlyfwend Milly-Moo has gone. She got sooper tired in the aftynoon with much panting an HuDad did say she woz poorly. Eberywun verry hupsetted and HuMum did take Milly-Moo to the vettineggy hospitawl in der ebening.
I did feared the wurst as smol 2-legs and smol smol 2-legs was havin much sadness and eye leakages an snuggles wiv HuDad. Wen HuMum come back she had no gurlyfwend wiv her but only her collars and leads witch I sniffled with sorrow. Den eberywun doin the sadness and cuddlins and me fursies got all damped on.
I comforted them best I cud do. As ebery hadopted hound knows, the houndies wot get to live in their Forever Home for many dinners hav had the bestest tym. I be glad me gurlyfwend new such comfort and lubbs. I is tryin to be brave but me sofa is very empty and I am lacking me companionable snoozing fwend. At leest I am still gettin many stroksies and lubbs….. Prehapps eben more than beefor.
With lonelyness, lubbs and leans,