Dear Bestest Aunty Julie,
I fort I would do you sum more writings to let you know how splendid I am being! Since I rote last I hav bin mostly perfectin my leaning on my noo family. This is to make shor they is fully up to my standards regardin levels of strokingses and fussingsess per hour. I did do a sneaky follow of HuMum to der little room wiv the flushy flush and DEATH TRAP bathing container and did do her a lean as she woz restin her bum on top of the flushy flush chair. Priding self MASSIVE on diss noo stwatergy. I also did do a speshul mega lean and snuffuluffaguss snuggly “strokespleasesmallperson” noises on the biggest HuBrother and he larffed at me and HuDad did say I could “maybe not squash people for strokes” which sounds like a wewy boring plan. HuDad also say to all other HuPeeples we meet in the luffly park dat I is “very gentle especially with the children” and pats me with that silly proud look he duz do, bless ‘im.
In uvver noos fwom yesterday: dun some more sleepin, walkies an eatin. Decided I fink I like Milly-Moo as she duz seem kind.
Today I getted up two times before upgetting time to remind dem to buy me dat yummy alarmy clock fing dey woz on about but dey haven’t got it yet it seem.
All fings considered, if yoos don’t mind, I fink I will stay in dis place called Forever Home, dey pretty nice. I will do mor writings most soon.
Gotta go now as fink I hear a HuPerson at der door. Hopefilly it will be HuMum or dat HuPerson called “Dawn Cleanerlady” as HuMum sed “Dawn Cleanerlady” is vewwy vewwy eggcited to meet me and loves the fussingsess! I shall tell yous about her next time.
Wags and luffs, Dylan xx