Our online fundraising auction is now open, with lots of AMAZING lots to bid on – all to raise pounds for the hounds! To take part, you need to be on Facebook where you can request to join the Forever Hounds Trust Auction Group (link below). Once you’re in, you can bid away on what takes your fancy – fabulous new lots being added all the time! If you have anything you would like to add to the auction, you can do that as well – just ask in the Group for how to do that.
Don’t miss out, get involved, grab yourself a bargain, and help much needed pounds for the hounds! Auction runs until 19th July at 5pm
Forever Hounds Trust Auction Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/2233288506792155/
Link to the auction album – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.3213060165481646&type=3