Dog Tags
Please note Red Dingo ID Tags will be sent to you directly by Red Dingo who engrave them, so don't worry if you order several items and your tag is not included, it will arrive separately.
Red Dingo ID Tags are made from hard-wearing polished stainless steel. The design is enamelled onto the steel and is very durable, and the engraving is guaranteed to be readable for life.
Red Dingo Tags are available in two sizes:
Medium (30mm) – up to 5 lines and 16 characters per line (including spaces)
Large (38mm) – up to 6 lines and 19 characters per line (including spaces)
Note that we will add line breaks unless you specify a line break by adding a $ character in the text. The tag is widest in the middle, so keep the longest piece of information for the middle line of the tag.
If your engraving requirement is unclear or deviates from what is possible then we will revert to you by email for clarification.
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