On Saturday 9th July, Greyhound Rescue West of England (GRWE) will celebrate 20 years of existence, and with it will become ‘Forever Hounds Trust’ – a name that better portrays the breadth of the charity’s work, which now covers all of England and incorporates all sighthound breeds.
To mark the occasion, there will be a special party, hosted by Honorary Friends of the charity, actor Anthony Head and his wife Sarah Fisher, at Tilley Farm, Farmborough, near Bath. At the party will be some very special guests, for a litter of puppies born while in the care of GRWE two years ago, will be reunited with each other and their mum.
The ‘Puppy Party’ is a real celebration of what the charity does best – rescuing and homing greyhounds and lurchers. The mother of the pups, Treacle, came into GRWE’s care from a pound in the North of England. She appeared on a list of dogs that needed spaces and GRWE agreed to take her in with no more information that a picture of her face.
Soon after arriving at GRWE it became clear that poor Treacle had been bred from many time in her short life – she was estimated to be no more than three years old. It also emerged that she wasn’t alone – in fact, she later gave birth to NINE puppies!
GRWE have a wonderful team of volunteers who help with all the dogs in their care and find homes for them. One of those amazing volunteers had been fostering dogs for over 50 years, and offered a temporary home to Treacle and her puppies.
Now, two years on, the puppies are all celebrating their birthday at the same time that GRWE celebrates turning 20. So, it seemed fitting that they join in the party! This will be the first time all the puppies have been together since they moved into their forever homes when they were just a few months old. It’s bound to be an exciting time for them!
The event runs from 11am – 4pm and is open to all GRWE supporters and volunteers.