🚨 Today is Emergency Services Day. 🚨
Emergency Services Day (also known as 999 Day) is a national day across the UK. 999 Day is your chance to support the heroic men and women of the NHS and emergency services. Volunteers are an essential part of the emergency services family, and they play a core part in keeping Britain safe.
Did you know, we mirror this at Forever Hounds Trust, our volunteers play an essential role in keeping Britain’s dogs safe, and often have to act quickly in an Emergency. To this effect, we have an ‘Emergency Rescue’ gift, that you can buy to support this work.
Emergency rescues can come at any time, and it is essential that we are prepared. Our team of volunteers work tirelessly to drive and collect any dog that needs our help. Your ‘Emergency Rescue’ gift donation will help pay for vital fuel and help keep our vans and volunteers on the road. What a great gift for that someone special that will really make a difference, you can buy one here.
So a huge thank you to the Emergency Services this 999 Day, and also to our volunteers!