Time certainly does fly when you are having fun, just ask Minty. It is a whole year since she came to us following the death of her owner. She became one of the faces of the ‘Golden Oldies’ campaign, raising thousands of pounds and highlighting the needs of older dogs in rescue.
Well, now one year on and having just celebrated another birthday taking her into her 15th year, she is still enjoying life. Although a little a frail, she loves her food, snoozing on her bed by the fire and mooching around the garden, simple pleasures that make life worth living.
Giving this elderly lady a chance to see out her years in comfort has given us as much pleasure as we hope we have brought to her, and one year on she is a great advert for giving a home to the older dogs who find themselves in rescue and the difference you can make to their later years.
To see the dogs currently looking for their forever home, visit www.foreverhoundstrust.org/our-dogs