Our calendar competition is back! This is your chance to see your hound and your photograph in print in our 2026 calendar!
We are looking for 13 incredible images to use, which represent sighthounds and reflect Forever Hounds Trust’s origins and work. You can enter multiple images for different categories but remember we are looking for a variety of photographs to cover the categories below. Please see the image above for an example of the images used in the 2025 calendar.
Please read the full details of how to enter and the terms & conditions below BEFORE entering. The competition closes at 5pm on Friday 28th February 2025.
1. JANUARY – Wintertime
2. FEBRUARY – Will you be my Valentine?
3. MARCH – Enjoying the great outdoors
4. APRIL – The thrills of Spring
5. MAY – Peekaboo
6. JUNE – Pretty girl
7. JULY – Beach day
8. AUGUST – Handsome hound
9. SEPTEMBER – Changing seasons
10. OCTOBER – Cosy club
11. NOVEMBER – Always remembered
12. DECEMBER – Festive fun
13. OPEN – Any photograph entry
– Pictures must be in LANDSCAPE format and NOT portrait format.
– Collect your best photos and submit them via the calendar competition post pinned to the top of the Forever Hounds Trust Facebook Page. When uploading your entry, please also include the month/category you are applying under. There is no limit on the number of photos you can submit.
You can also apply by email – send your entries to comp@foreverhoundstrust.org with the subject line: ‘Calendar Competition’ and include in the email: the month/category you are applying under, your name and the dog(s) name(s).
– You personally must have taken the picture and have the original in your possession to send us upon request should you be shortlisted; it must be in digital format, at least 3MB in size.
– If you are posting the image on Facebook on behalf of someone else, please state the name of the person you are submitting the photo for in the comments.
– The picture content must be relevant to the theme. EACH PHOTOGRAPH MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE SIGHTHOUND, so that the calendar reflects Forever Hounds Trust’s origins and work.
– If there are multiple dogs in the image, please comment against each photo with the name(s) of the hounds(s) pictured from left to right.
2026 Calendar Photo Competition – Terms & Conditions
- The competition opens on the 30th January 2025 and closes on the 28th February 2025. The winners will be notified on the 1st May 2025 or before, via email. This competition is open to all Forever Hounds Trust supporters.
- By entering the competition, you confirm that the photograph is your own, original image to submit.
- In line with our aims to improve sighthound welfare, images of dogs in ‘Dress up’ will not be accepted. We are able to accept images of dogs in themed dog clothing.
- Any photo entered might be used by the Charity, in the calendar or other online and offline marketing materials. By submitting a photo you agree that Forever Hounds Trust can use it in any of these materials, to help promote and raise awareness of the Charity’s vision.
- Initial stage of judging is to shortlist images, this shortlisting DOES NOT mean your photo will be used. If your photo is shortlisted to progress through to the final judging stage, we will contact you, highlighting the chosen image and request you submit a high-resolution version of that image, for our further consideration. If the original image is not of a suitable resolution for print, we will not be able to consider your photo further.
- If you entered via Facebook, please check your Facebook Private Messages (including the ‘Other’ box). This includes if you have submitted an entry on behalf of someone else.
- If you entered via email, the shortlist notification will be sent to the same email address you entered under.
- The High Resolution image is then to be emailed over to comp@foreverhoundstrust.org Please include your contact telephone number, plus restate your category month and hound(s)’ names in each photograph and name the email subject line: Calendar Competition
- If you fail to provide the high-res photo in time for the judges’ final deliberation and we cannot consider your photo as a result, Forever Hounds Trust is not at fault. To avoid this situation and any disappointment, please check your private Facebook messages and/or email spam folder (as appropriate to your method of entry).
- If you have more than one entry selected for the shortlist stage, please ensure the total attachment size in the email does NOT exceed 10MB, so send in separate emails or via WeTransfer if the limit would otherwise be exceeded.
- Once a winner for each month has been selected, the front cover image for the calendar will be chosen by the judges from the remaining shortlisted images. Please note, your entry may be selected for a different category than stated at time of entry.
- Once the final 13 images has been selected for the calendar, the winners will be notified via email.
- The judges’ decision is final. Forever Hounds Trust is not liable for any errors in printing or design of the calendar. Neither Forever Hounds Trust nor its employees/volunteers are liable for any damages to any dogs or individuals while taking photos, or for any damages arising from the illegal or false representation of the ownership of submitted photos.
- Any images submitted might be altered or re-mastered as required for the final produced product, including cropping at our discretion.
- The competition is open to any dog owner, family and friends, except where prohibited by law. Individuals may enter more than once.
- Previous year’s winners are welcome to enter again this year.
- Please note that in entering this competition, both yours and the dog’s name will be printed as part of the promotion, and you agree to all terms and conditions listed above. N.B. we will print both names unless category winners advise us not to.
If your photograph is shortlisted to progress through to the final judging stage, Forever Hounds Trust will request you send us your photo via email for further consideration. We will then use your email address to correspond with you regarding your image, and add it to our mailing list so we can keep you informed about our work. If you don’t want to be added to our mailing list, please inform us when responding to our request. We will keep your details secure and not pass them to any third party. You can update your preferences or unsubscribe at any time by contacting us: fundraising@foreverhoundstrust.org
Our privacy statement is available at www.foreverhoundstrust.org
Registered Charity Number 1131399