Actress and Honorary Friend of Forever Hounds Trust, Annette Crosbie, has recorded a message on how you can help rescued greyhounds and lurchers during these challenging times.
Annette says: “Hello, some of you may know who I am, but to those who don’t, my name is Annette Crosbie.
About 25 years ago, I got my first ex-racing greyhound. The first of eight I have lived with, and although I’m without one now, I still worry about them – the dogs still coming off the tracks, and the dumped lurchers with nowhere to go.
These are very strange and worrying times, but please, spare a thought for all the small charities whose fundraising has come to an abrupt halt. They rely solely on the goodwill and the generosity of the public – people like you and me who keep them going when times are tough – and they couldn’t get any tougher.
Although life seems to have slowed down, or even closed down for some of us, yet the dogs keep coming and need a safe haven. The bills, too, unfortunately keep coming in from the vets. So, if you could find it in your hearts, and pockets of course, to help Forever Hounds, either by donating – and any helps, and I mean….any – or by any freeing up a space in a kennel by fostering, or even better rehoming, I know they would be deeply grateful.
Now, because of current circumstances, homing obviously has to be done carefully. I can’t imagine how, at a space of two metres but still, I am sure we could manage. Or just by registering an interest at this stage things can be set in motion. So do please get in touch.
For those who are struggling as it is, please don’t feel bad if you can’t help. Cuddle the dog you have, and keep it, and yourself, safe.“