Dear Bestest Aunty Julie,
I did do Hu-bed day sleepin an also sofa lickin of yummy sofa! Me an HuDad did sooper park walk in da aftynoon which woz much better than me mornin hadventure wiv HuMum where it did torrenshul da kittehs-and-hounds down, drippy out der sky so quick. Was drenched! Lucky woz wearin me coat, but still woz doin a concern bout der potenshul for me fur shrinkin. Himagine if woz shrinked to a mini vershun like small goblin hound wippit fingy. Such stwess! Measured beaut self gainst me bed on return an woz great relief dat I still Dylan sized despite torrenshuls.
Efentful evenin last nyte. Did gets RAW MEATY DUCK NECK!!!! Den I did snoozles on der sofa wiv Milly and HuMum. I givt Milly a cuddle and dat woz sooper nice. Hunforchly, me tail slowlee became more heavier dan me headsy an I did slippy off gentlelike backywards onto der carpet while me doing the sleepies. Woz most barrassin!
I did do the sofa sleepses overnite as HuMum has finally re-erlized der error of her wayz with der sofa room doorflap. I still dids me littel clatteryblattery at sixyclocks and den sooper stairs-leaps an did sleeps on HuDad and HuMum until sevinclocks. They seemed sooper pleased and dey still just bout fitted in der bed. Ish.
This aftynoon I has bin showin all Forever Famliy me sooper mazing ball catchin skillz in the garden heer. Small HuBruvvers sooper impwessed! Den walkies an much sniffins of a big fallendowny twee. Nifftastic! Currently waitin for sum leftyover pizza cwispie cwust so must go now.
Wags leans and luffs,