By Emma Butler WELL…….this is something that we don’t get every day….. Earlier this week we took in two greyhound boys from a ‘trainer’ who had been racing them on an unregulated, or ‘flapping’ track. Apparently he has no need for these dogs as he is off on holiday and getting a couple of new …
Our Blog
Why Are There So Many Black Greyhounds? #NationalBlackDogDay
By Emma Butler Today is National Black Dog Day, a day created to highlight the plight of black dogs in rescue centres. For Forever Hounds Trust the problem of finding homes for black dogs is a very real one. Almost half the dogs we have in our care right now are black. Our evidence shows …
Greyhound racing – the forgotten ones
By Emma Butler The new Animal Welfare Manifesto from the Labour Party has included a mention of greyhound racing, stating that: “The lack of transparency around what happens to greyhounds after they are no longer fit for racing means we anecdotally hear of many cases where healthy animals are needlessly destroyed.” The manifesto also says: …
RTÉ Investigates: Greyhounds Running for Their Lives
By Emma Butler Watching the TV documentary that aired in Ireland last week – RTÉ Investigates: Greyhounds Running for Their Lives – I had mixed feelings. There was the feeling of absolute revulsion at what I was watching. But then there was also a feeling of relief that this abhorrent abuse of greyhounds was at last being …
New legislation increases maximum sentence for animal cruelty
By Emma Butler Today’s news that the Government has set out new legislation to increase the maximum sentence for animal cruelty tenfold – from the current six months to five years – is a welcome step forwards for those of us working in animal welfare. The Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill will mean that courts can …
Greyhounds continue to suffer injuries and death on UK racing tracks
By Emma Butler 2019 is a year that has seen great leaps forward in dog welfare. It was announced that Lucy’s Law will come into force next Spring, banning the third-party sale of puppies and kittens; and Finn’s Law came into force earlier this month, giving greater protection to service animals. However, with the latest …
Dylan Dog Blog – Dylan tries out a Furbo!
Dear Bestest Auntie Julie, Happfull New Year to yoos! Hopin you and der famlee be well? I hab come to der conklooshun dat Holly (me preevyussly menshunned noo gest) be havin this as her Forever Home as well! Dis is super noos is it not!? She be gettin well yoosed to all mowst himportant howsehold …
Dylan Dog Blog – Dylan welcomes a new guest
Dear Bestest Auntie Julie, The new gest be still heer an I hope she be able to stay a bit longer. She’s pretty nise akshully, if a little bossy. She already seemin a little less confuzled than wen she furst arrive…. I hab bin teachin her a few stuffs like “how to sofa.” Sum fings …
Dylan Dog Blog – Happier news from Hound Towers
Dear Bestest Auntie Julie, I hab the Bestest noos! Tooday we went on a road trip in the hound mobile for a verry long ways. What is goin on Fort I, secretly howpin we may be off to Bestest Auntie Julie Hotel again. Well, houndmobile stopped (after a rather heggsitin root-findin by HuMum witch involve …
Dylan Dog Blog – Sad news from Hound Towers
Dear Bestest Auntie Julie, Sum sooper sad news… Me gurlyfwend Milly-Moo has gone. She got sooper tired in the aftynoon with much panting an HuDad did say she woz poorly. Eberywun verry hupsetted and HuMum did take Milly-Moo to the vettineggy hospitawl in der ebening. I did feared the wurst as smol 2-legs and smol …
Dylan Dog Blog – Dylan chills while HuMum tries to work from home
Dear Bestest Aunty Julie, Be riting to yoos fwom der sofa after sooper bizi day of snoozlings. I be stretch owt like gettin sum littel breez on der nakidtum. As yoos will dowtless wemember I not be a fan of der curlin up, not bein a pwawn an all BOL BOL BOL…. Enyways woz riting …
Dylan Dog Blog – Dylan’s not happy with his new PJs!
Dear Bestest Aunty Julie, Anuvver kwik huppdayte… I wegret to himform yoo dat der hab been a drastik downturn in kwolitty of liyf here at Forever Home. Hab they no respekt for our nobel breed. I did hurd HuDad sniggerin sumfin bout a “bagpipe”. Howeber I is now sooper warm at night tyme on me …